Job Description
I. The USAID Revenue for Growth Project: Introduction
The USAID Revenue for Growth Project (R4G) is a five-year project that was awarded on June 14, 2021. R4G aims to support the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) in improving domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) and expanding the fiscal space for public spending and investments in service delivery and poverty reduction. R4G engages government and non-government stakeholders to build capacity in tax policy analysis, improve tax compliance and administration, and strengthen the tax culture in a manner that facilitates private sector growth and relationships between taxpayers and the GRZ. As significant changes in tax policy are politically challenging, R4G supports the private sector and civil society stakeholders, as well as the GRZ, to promote improved tax analysis, dialogue, and advocacy and build coalitions that can quickly mobilize support for both DRM and broader fiscal policy reforms.
R4G supports the following four objectives to help Zambia strengthen its tax culture, increase voluntary tax compliance, and increase domestic revenue in a manner that promotes balanced private sector-led economic growth.
Objective 1: Tax and non-tax revenue administration and compliance improved by advancing efforts of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to operationalize Ministry of Finance and National Planning (MoFNP) policies and collect tax and non-tax revenues in a more effective, efficient and transparent manner.
Objective 2: Tax policy strengthened by equipping the MoFNP with the tools and skills needed to conduct policy analysis, evaluate and communicate the impact of tax reforms, and formulate sound, predictable, and equitable tax and non-tax revenue policies.
Objective 3: Public-private dialogue enhanced by building private sector and civil society capacity to contribute to an informed dialogue on taxation and ensure that public input informs decision-making on tax policies and the use of public resources.
Objective 4: Capacity to address other fiscal policy and management priorities as they emerge enhanced by providing support to the GRZ to address strategic issues.
A grants-under-contract (GUC) component will primarily support Objective 3 and will be used where the research, consultation, and advocacy initiatives of local private sector associations and civil society organizations have the potential to extend the Project’s reach or augment its results. A key ingredient to R4G’s success is the mobilization of support from within the private sector and the non-governmental community. Tax and non-tax reforms are most likely to succeed when they reflect the interests and priorities of the constituencies likely to be affected by the reforms. Potential grantees will be assessed based on their expected contribution to improved policy, administration, or engagement on tax and non-tax revenue and broader DRM issues. Applicants should note that cost-sharing from all grantees, public entities, other development partners, and other stakeholders is strongly encouraged and should be noted in the Concept Paper.
R4G is currently accepting Concept Papers for activities to be funded under its Grants Program for potential activities between January 1, 2023, to June 13, 2024. The grants program supports activities and programs that complement existing R4G activities and help achieve the program’s intermediate results.
Under this Annual Program Statement (APS), R4G invites private sector associations, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), non-profit organizations, and for-profit businesses and institutions to apply for grants. Grants are intended to help grantees start a new activity or to expand or add innovations to an existing activity.
The proposed grant activity should aim to achieve one or more of the following broad objectives:
Support and strengthen business association and CSO capacity to provide informed analysis to the GRZ to improve the impact of new tax policies on the business environment and society;
Support CSOs and think tanks to undertake tax policy research on new tax policy initiatives with results being used to inform and influence debates on tax policy;
Advocate for tax policy reforms that will benefit women and youth;
Encourage ideas that engage strategically with business associations, civil society and the media to strengthen the capacity of individual organizations working to build broader coalitions that work to engage on complex tax issues; and
Support tax administration and tax policy research ideas proposed by regional institutes;
Additional information on the preparation of an APS can be found in ADS 303.3.5.3:
II. Eligibility Information
(1) Eligibility Criteria
Grants may be awarded on both a solicited and unsolicited basis. Grants are open to all local organizations in Zambia and US-based organizations. Nathan will support grantees, particularly local organizations, in their use of grants in order to build their own staff and institutional capacity that will lead to achieving R4G’s objectives. Grants are also open to international, non-US organizations but with additional requirements. For non-U.S. international organizations, they must be fully registered to work in Zambia as a recognized organization, association or business, or engaged in the process of completing registration according to Zambian law. At least 80 percent of the grant proceeds must be spent in Zambia.
Grant support will be provided to innovative initiatives whose proposed activities meet R4G’s eligibility and review criteria described in this APS, as well as contribute to R4G’s objectives.
In addition, in order to meet the minimum eligibility criteria for grant competition, applications must:
Support outcomes and results consistent with and linked to R4G’s results and objectives;
Be submitted by registered organizations; individuals are not eligible for grant funding, so any microenterprise that applies for grant funding must possess a national Tax Identification Number and any requisite permits, licenses, and registrations required;
Support activities within Zambia; and
Contain evidence of a matching funds commitment. (This may or may not be appropriate, depending on the type of grant R4G decides to award.)
Nathan Associates staff will screen all concept papers and applications to ensure compliance with all eligibility requirements.
(2) Ineligible Organizations
R4G will not consider organizations deemed ineligible unless prior written consent from the USAID/Zambia Contracting Officer is received. The R4G grants program will not award a grant to:
Government of Zambia and semi-governmental institutions (this includes entities that the Government of Zambia owns at least 50% share of or receive at least 50% of their financial support from the Government of Zambia).
Any U.S. entity which is a “Private Voluntary Organization” (PVO) but has not registered as such with USAID;
Any entity whose name appears on the “List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs”;
Any “Public International Organization” (PIO);
Any third country foreign government (outside of Zambia);
Any entity affiliated with Nathan or any of its directors, officers, consultants, or employees;
Any political party organization;
Any individual;
Any entity that has active exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM) (; and
Any entity whose nationality is out of the authorized geographic code (935).
(3) Ineligible Costs
All applicants should note that funding for grants under the R4G may not be used to pay for the following:
Starting up or investing in commercial businesses;
Purchasing motor vehicles including motorcycles; and
Building renovation or construction costs of any sort.
Concepts that include budgets or requests for these activities will not be considered for funding. A full list of ineligible costs is found on page 12 of this APS.
(4) Potential New Partners
R4G strongly encourages applications from potential new partners. Organizations with limited experience working with USAID grants are also encouraged to apply.
(5) Solicitation and Rolling Dates
This grant solicitation is open from January 31, 2023 to July 31, 2023, 5 PM local Zambian time, for a grant up to a maximum amount of USD 24,000, subject to the availability of funds, and to be implemented over a 3- to 18-month period. Grant concepts that propose a budget of more than $24,000 or for activities conducted beyond an 18-month period of time will not be considered at this time.
Concept Papers will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed monthly by the Grants Review Committee (GRC). R4G reserves the right to fund any number or none of the applications submitted.
III. Application Instructions and Submission Information
Below are detailed instructions on how to apply to R4G’s Grants Program. The R4G Grants Program will use a two-step application process. In stage one, applicants will submit a Concept Paper of not more than six pages. Concept Papers must meet the identified needs of this solicitation. Based on the evaluation of the Concept Paper, R4G will invite selected applicants to the second stage.
In the second stage, applicants will be asked to submit a Full Application. The Concept Paper and Full Application must be submitted in accordance with the instructions in SECTIONS III and IV below.
Step I: Submission of a Concept Paper and Review of Eligible Concept Papers
The Concept Paper (using the format in Attachment 3, page 27 in this manual) and a summary budget is the first step in the grant application process and should be the first document submitted to R4G. Only the attached Concept Paper template should be used for this purpose. Other supporting documents or other concept application forms will not be accepted for this purpose.
The Concept Paper must be completed by the applicant in MS Word format, must be no longer than 6 pages, and will require the applicant to provide the following information:
The Cover Page/Introduction:
Name and address of the organization;
Type of organization (e.g., non-profit, university, etc.);
Contact point (phone and e-mail);
Names of other organizations that may be funding this applicant or proposed activity; and
Signature of authorized representative of the applicant (authorized to contractually obligate the applicant).
Technical Information:
Concise title and objective of proposed activity;
Discussion of the objectives, the activities that will be carried out to achieve the objectives, the methodology or approach, the amount of effort to be employed, the anticipated results, who will benefit from the initiative and how the work will help accomplish R4G’s mission in the targeted area; and
Type of support the applicant requests from R4G (e.g., funds, facilities, equipment, materials or personnel resources).
Supporting Information:
Proposed estimated cost; (A full detailed budget is not required at this time.);
Brief cost breakdown (e.g., salaries, travel, etc.);
Proposed duration of activity; and
Brief description of applicant’s previous work and experience.
Registration documents must be submitted at the concept stage. R4G will accept concept papers from non-registered but viable local organizations.
Eligible concept papers will be reviewed and evaluated by R4G’s Grants Review Committee on a regular or monthly basis. All Concept Papers should include an explanation of the impact on gender and marginalized groups, including youth. GRC members will select those Concept Papers that best meet R4G’s objectives and will invite those selected (short-listed) applicants to proceed to Step II, Full Application.
Step II: Submission of a Full Application, Budget, Budget Narrative Cost Notes and Implementation Plan
Only short-listed applicants who have had their Concept Papers selected by the GRC for grant funding consideration will be requested to submit a Full Application, Budget, Budget Narrative Cost Notes, and an Implementation Plan (Step II). The R4G grants team will provide the Full Application Form and Implementation Plan templates to short-listed applicants.
A. Full Technical Application: R4G will request the following information for applicants to include in their application and submit to R4G:
Technical Narrative (see Section IV for evaluation content) not to exceed 22 pages. The narrative should include:
Background/Problem Statement;
Brief description of the activity, including its goals and objectives and how it will align with those of R4G;
Explanation of any partners and their expected roles;
Detailed activity description and proposed interventions;
Expected impact (Applicants are required to reflect the proposed results in their application. Results should align with all of the R4G project results as described in Section 1.);
Duration of activity;
Specific nature of support requested from R4G (e.g., facilities, equipment, material, or personnel resources, etc.);
Relevant organizational experiences of the recipient and any key partner organizations; and
Adequate information on the key personnel required to conduct the program, including, at a minimum, the Project Director. Key personnel information should include the name of the individual and a short description of the individual’s experience and capacity relevant to the proposed position. (CVs and proposed job descriptions should be included in Attachments submitted by Applicant.)
B. Budget and Budget Narrative Cost Notes (Cost Application)
If a Full Technical Application is requested from an applicant, a Cost Application will be required as well. The Cost Application will require specific cost information for the proposed grant project and additional required information from the applicant. The application must also provide evidence that the funds requested are reasonable and will be used in a cost-effective manner. R4G will assess whether the overall costs are realistic for the work to be performed, whether the costs reflect that the applicant understands the requirements, and whether the costs are consistent with the technical application. The application also will be assessed for cost-effectiveness. Applications that minimize administrative costs to maximize program, outreach, and capacity-building activities will generally be considered a better value.
NOTE: This agreement amount is subject to revision depending on availability of funds.
The required sections of the budget/cost application are outlined below:
Budget/Cost Spreadsheets
A detailed breakdown of the budget in spreadsheet format must be provided by the applicant. The spreadsheet(s) must be submitted electronically in MS Excel format and be unlocked, text accessible, and able to view formulas. Cost spreadsheets not submitted in the template will not be considered.
Budget/Cost Narrative (Cost Notes)
The budget must have an accompanying detailed budget narrative and justification. This budget narrative must be submitted in MS Word format. The combination of the cost data and the cost notes must be sufficient for R4G to determine whether the costs estimated are reasonable. The budget narrative must include supporting justification for costs, such as policy, payroll documents, vendor quotes, or specific historical program costs.
NOTE: Cost information should NOT be included in the Technical Application. All cost information should be submitted under separate cover in the Cost Application.
The following is provided as guidance on issues involving specific types of costs.
Salary and Wages: Direct salaries and wages to be paid for by the grant agreement should be proposed in accordance with the applicant’s personnel policies.
Fringe Benefits: If the applicant has a fringe benefit rate that has been approved by an agency of the U.S. Government, such rate should be used and evidence of its approval should be provided. If a fringe benefit rate has not been so approved, the application may propose a rate and explain how the rate was determined. If the latter is used, the narrative should include a detailed breakdown comprised of all items of fringe benefits (e.g., unemployment insurance, workers ‘compensation, health and life insurance, retirement, etc.) and the costs of each, expressed in dollars and as a percentage of salaries. Alternatively, if the applicant has no approved rate, it may elect to directly charge all project expenses.
Travel and Transportation: The application should indicate the number of trips, domestic and international, and the estimated costs per trip. Specify the origin and destination for each proposed trip, duration of travel and the number of individuals traveling.
Equipment: Applicants should specify all equipment to be purchased, including the type of equipment, unit cost, number of units to be purchased and expected geographic source of procurement.
Materials and Supplies: Specify all materials and supplies expected to be purchased, including type.
Communications: Applicants should specify information regarding the type of communication cost. (For example specifying if communication costs are for mail, telephone, cellular phones, internet, etc.)
Training: Applicants should provide budgetary information on all training, including the number of people to be trained, the number and cost of each session and the cost of materials.
Other Direct Costs: This may include any miscellaneous costs that directly benefit the program proposed by the applicant. The cost narrative should provide a breakdown and support for all other direct costs.
If seminars and conferences are included the applicant should indicate the subject, venue and duration of proposed conferences and seminars and their relationship to the objectives of the program, along with the estimates of costs.
Indirect Costs: The applicant should support the proposed indirect cost rate, if any, with a letter from a cognizant U.S. Government audit agency (i.e. its current Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement) or with sufficient information for R4G to determine the reasonableness of the rates.
Program Income (if applicable): The recipient[EK1] will account for program income in accordance with 2 CFR 200.307. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.307 (e)(2), program income earned under this award may be added to funds committed by R4G and the recipient to the project or program with prior approval and used to further eligible project or program objectives.
C. Implementation Plan
The applicant should provide a proposed Implementation Plan which outlines a timeline for implementing interventions. The proposed Implementation Plan, inputs, outputs, and outcomes should be realistic and achievable within the proposed budget and timeframe and reflect a grasp of necessary steps to ensure rapid, effective execution of program activities. A plan for monitoring and evaluation must also be included. The applicant should include adequate emphasis on scaling-up and achieving broad-based impact where possible and appropriate. Feasible strategies for sustaining activities beyond R4G’s funding for this activity, and documenting and sharing key lessons, should be included.
Implementation schedule: Applicants should include their proposed first-year work plan presented in matrix format, which should include proposed activities for the time frame indicated and identify partners for activities where appropriate. The first-year work plan, inputs, outputs, and outcomes should be realistic and achievable within the proposed budget and timeframe and reflect a grasp of necessary steps to ensure rapid, effective execution of program activities. Include adequate emphasis on scaling up and achieving broad-based impact where possible and appropriate.
D. Supporting Documentation
Applicants, if/when requested by R4G, must submit any additional evidence of responsibility for R4G staff to make a determination of responsibility. The information submitted must substantiate that the applicant:
Has adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain such resources as required during the performance of the award;
Has the ability to comply with the award conditions, taking into account all existing and currently prospective commitments of the applicant;
Has a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics;
Is otherwise qualified and eligible to receive an R4G grant under applicable laws and regulations;
Presents evidence of a UEI Number or a Self-Certification for Exemption from UEI Requirements (Applicants are not required to have a UEI number at the time of submitting their application materials but will be required to provide evidence of their UEI number before being awarded an R4G grant.);
Is a legally registered entity and must submit registration documents and statutes; and
Does not appear as a restricted entity on the System for Award Management ( database.
Registration Documents of the Applicant Organization (Note that R4G will accept applications from local organizations that have not yet received official registration, reflecting that the process of NGO registration in Zambia may be slow).
Optional Documentation: Other materials, such as brochures, resumes, research reports, samples of publications and results of past programs, are welcome.
After review, evaluation and scoring of the Full Application packet, R4G will determine the candidates who will enter the final stages of grant negotiation.
E. Additional Information for Applicants:
Questions & Answers: Requests for clarification may be submitted on an ongoing basis via email to [email protected] and copy [email protected] Only written requests for clarification will receive a response that will be issued through an amendment to this funding opportunity.
Unique Entity Identifier System (UEI): There is a mandatory requirement for the Applicant to provide a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) to R4G. A UEI is a number that identifies the entity’s registration in All U.S. and foreign organizations that receive a grant with a value of $25,000 and above are required to obtain a UEI prior to the signing of the agreement. The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires the UEI to be used across federal systems, governmentwide, for federal award purposes. Without a UEI number R4G cannot deem an applicant to be “responsible” to conduct business with and therefore, R4G will not enter into an agreement with any such organization. The award of a grant resulting from this APS is contingent upon the winner providing a UEI to Nathan. Organizations that fail to provide a UEI if required will not receive an agreement and Nathan/R4G will select an alternate awardee. UEIs can be obtained at the following website:
Submission Procedures: Concepts will be accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed by the GRC on a monthly basis. Applications must be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] and copy ckalish[email protected] Paper applications will not be accepted.
Application Requirements: Applications must be submitted in English.
Budgeted costs must be represented in US dollars. Payment will be made in Zambian Kwacha. Applicants must submit concepts in the format specified in this APS. Any Concept Paper submitted in any other format is not eligible for review and consideration.
Authorized Signer (Signatory): The Concept Paper must be signed by a person authorized to submit an application on behalf of the applicant and to bind the applicant to the application.
Environmental Sustainability: An application may be considered ineligible if it has the potential to cause an adverse effect on the environment. Each short-listed application will be subject to an environmental screening. R4G will require grantees to make any necessary adjustments to activities to minimize adverse impacts on the environment.
Gender and Inclusion: All applicants must indicate, preferably in a separate section of the application, the existing disparities and unequal relationships that prevent women and marginalized groups from contributing to and benefiting from the proposed grant initiative on an equal basis, and how the proposed initiative would address this situation. R4G will support successful applicants in developing plans for inclusion by gender and marginalized groups, as well as monitoring and evaluation and grant management.
F. Regulations and Exclusions
Additional eligibility criteria for grant awards include the following:
The applicant must provide reports, CVs of key technical persons and references to prove that they have demonstrated experience in technical areas relevant to the scope of work.
The organization/individual has minimum absorptive capacity and/or demonstrates the potential to acquire the sufficient capacity to manage programs in a sustainable manner.
The organization’s or individual’s other relationships, associations, activities, and interests do not create a conflict of interest that could prevent full impartiality in the implementation of the grant activities.
System for Award Management (SAM). Nathan may not award an R4G grant to an applicant until the applicant has complied with all applicable SAM requirements. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the R4G program is ready to make a grant award, R4G may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive a grant award and use that determination as a basis for making a grant award to another applicant.
The following are ineligible for grant awards:
Government and semi-governmental institutions (this includes entities that the GRZ owns at least 50% share of or receive at least 50% of their financial support from the GRZ);
Individuals; and
Political parties.
If an organization or its key personnel, shareholders, directors or partners appear on any of the following lists, it is automatically ineligible to receive a grant:
The Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List administered by the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
Department of State:
Foreign Terrorist Organization List (FTO):
Terrorist Exclusion List (TEL):
Executive Order 13224:
Terrorism Designation Page:
Excluded Parties List System:
United Nations Consolidated List (Resolution 1267):
Ineligible Costs:
Agricultural seeds;
Agricultural commodities;
Vehicles (including motorcycles);
Used equipment;
Profit; and
Interest on loans.
IV. Evaluation Criteria
Upon receipt, R4G will screen all Full Applications for eligibility and administrative compliance. The initial screening will be followed by a preliminary internal evaluation of eligible applications to evaluate comprehensiveness and responsiveness to the objectives of the APS.
An application can be categorized as non-responsive if it is incomplete, does not respond to the APS, does not comply with the format requirements, is submitted after the end date of the APS, or has the potential to cause an adverse effect on the environment.
The sub-set of applications that meets all preliminary internal evaluation criteria will be reviewed and scored by the R4G GRC relative to how the application’s proposed grant activities fully and effectively contribute to achieving the stated grant objectives and anticipated results.
GRC members will finalize their scores and select short-listed applicants to be considered for grants with the following possible outcomes:
Fully fund the initiative;
Partially fund the initiative;
Fully fund the initiative, with conditions; and
Partially fund the initiative, with conditions.
GRC members will score Full Applications based on the following criteria:
Selection Criteria:
Definition and Relevance: Proposed grant objectives are clearly defined and technically relevant for the APS and R4G purposes, including a statement of how the activity meets R4G objectives.
Maximum points: 20
Experience: Applicant organization has clearly defined and previous experience in the field of DRM that demonstrates technical relevancy for the purposes of the APS/RFA.
Maximum points: 10
Strategic and Sustainability: Proposed activities provide a clear strategy for implementation based on a realistic rationale that demonstrates the basis for sustainability with clear objectives and expected results.
Maximum points: 30
Institutional Capability: Sufficient institutional capability is available to implement the proposed activity.
Maximum points: 15
Gender and Inclusion: Clearly defined approaches are provided for inclusion of gender and social inclusion that outlines how the activity will strategically address these issues.
Maximum points: 15
Monitoring and Evaluation: Methodology applied to assess whether the project was successfully implemented and criteria used to measure project achievements.
Maximum points: 10
TOTAL: 100
The maximum total is 100 points. Applicants will be scored within each criterion. If an applicant does not address a particular criterion, the application will be scored a zero (0) in that section and will not be eligible for grant consideration. All applicants must score a minimum of 65 points out of a total of 100 points to be eligible for approval for a grant. Preference will be given to applicants who address the full technical requirements and all categories of the selection criteria.
The application with the lowest estimated cost may not be selected if award to a higher priced technical application offers a greater overall benefit for R4G. All evaluation factors other than cost, when combined, are significantly more important than cost. In the event applications are scored substantially the same on a technical level, the applicant that represents the best value in terms of cost may be the determining factor for the award. Cost negotiations will only be conducted with short-listed applicants to ensure their proposed budget is realistic and does not contain costs that may be unreasonable or unallowable.
Once Applicants have been short-listed by the GRC but before signing a Grant Agreement, the short-listed applicants will be asked to complete a pre-award assessment and submit supporting documentation to illustrate that the applicant has the technical capacity to implement the grant as well as the financial and administrative systems in place to adequately account for grant funds and meet USAID grant requirements. Registration documents will be required at the concept stage, noting that Nathan/R4G will accept concepts and applications from non-registered but viable local organizations.
The USAID Revenue for Growth Project is authorized in accordance with the Foreign Assistance Act and USAID Contract No. 72061121C00005. Relevant USAID policies and federal regulations that will govern the resulting awards are available at the following websites:
2 CFR 200: idx?tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title02/2cfr200_main_02.tpl
Mandatory Standard Provisions for U.S. Nongovernmental Organizations:
Mandatory Standard Provisions for Non-U.S., Nongovernmental Organizations:
Applications are due in electronic copy only, in MS Word (font size 12, single space), by the final date of this APS, which is July 31, 2023, 5:00 PM Zambia time. If tables or charts can only be shown in MS Excel format they may be included separately provided they are labeled appropriately. Budgets must be in MS Excel format with cells unlocked. Applications must be submitted in separate electronic files and emailed to [email protected]
V. Disclaimers
Nathan may cancel this notice of funding opportunity and not award any grants.
Nathan may reject any or all responses received.
Issuance of this notice of funding opportunity does not constitute award commitment by Nathan.
Nathan reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on applicant failure to follow solicitation instructions.
Nathan will not reimburse applicants for the cost incurred in preparation and submission of an application. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant’s expense.
Nathan reserves the right to issue an award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
Nathan may choose to award only part of the activities in this notice of funding opportunity or may issue multiple awards based on the proposed activities.
Nathan reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
Nathan reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications received.
Nathan reserves the right to check applicant’s references.
Nathan reserves the right to conduct an evaluation of the grant activities 3 to 9 months after completion of the grant.
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